5 Mistakes I made when I first started freelancing

When I first started freelancing, there were many things I didn’t know and therefore mistakes I ended up making, but they’ve all equipped me to become a better freelancer. Check out my mistakes and let me know – what has your journey taught you?

  1. Expecting immediate results

    Starting anything takes time and if you’re wanting immediate results, freelancing isn’t for you. It takes a lot of patience, due diligence, and follow-through to get the results you want.

  2. Taking on any client

    Whew! Please do not take on any client, even if they can pay you what you want. You need to align on values, work ethic, and ideas in order for things to work out, so don’t just focus on money.

  3. Not pitching enough

    No matter what you’re doing, you need to pitch yourself to others. It’s important to know who you want to work with and let them know how you can help them!

  4. Not promoting myself

    Part of gaining clients and being known for what you do is by promoting yourself. You can do this by sharing your work and the best practices you’ve learned along the way.

  5. Giving up too easily

    Give yourself a deadline of how long you’ll give this thing a try before quitting. One tip would be to try freelancing as a side hustle while working full-time to see if this is what you want to do. Talk to others who have done it and remember, don’t give up!


My Affirmations