Impostor Syndrome


Can we talk about impostor syndrome? It’s a feeling of not belonging and feeling like a fraud even though evidence points to the contrary. I call it fear. Many of us struggle with this, and it prevents us from pursuing our dreams. ⁣

Last Friday, I had a wonderful conversation with the Flower Girls Meet community and lovely speakers @ltinthecity and @karespears, using mind mapping to unpack our emotions and come up with tangible solutions to our fears. The key takeaways? Impostor syndrome can present itself in many different forms like procrastination or overthinking. ⁣

We often feel like we’re not worthy of achieving great things when we’re starting something new or we’re self-taught in our craft. L’Oreal’s response to this is that, “lived experience is experience”. Karen recommends putting all of your ideas and emotions on paper. It’s a great way to declutter your thoughts. This is also good for your mental health! According to the Harvard Business Review, we should aim to focus more on what we’re learning than on how we’re performing. I’ve been doing this and it’s working. What’s been working for you?


Affirmations about social media


My money tree