My money tree


Hey y’all! Check out how big my money tree has gotten! Woot! 🎉🌿So, this quarantine I’ve been cooking more and trying to grow my luscious plants. ⁣

This one almost died twice but has risen again because I stopped overwatering it. Apparently this is a common mistake we make as plant moms. We have to take a step back, and go through a process of elimination when our plants are dying - is it getting enough water? How much lighting does it need? Is the soil okay? I learned all of these tips from my girl Jasmine, founder of @BlackGirlswithGardens at my last event! More tips on @flowergirlsmeet! ⁣

Ps. If you’re free tonight at 8pm est/7pm cst, join me & @luce.inspiration on IG Live where I’ll be talking about my community group and ways I’ve been pivoting my work during this pandemic. I hope it’ll inspire you to keep going and not give up on things (like your plants) and people you believe in! xx⁣


Impostor Syndrome


Grief is hard